Monday 6 May 2013

Why to choose Su-kam Inverters?

What is invertor and why it is needed?
A Device whose main function is to convert DC voltage to AC voltage by converting current from photovoltaic cells. So, Inverters are needed if you require AC voltage in your house.
There are many brands of Invertors such as:
While choosing Invertors you must consider the following things like Output Power, Recharge Time, Warranty and Brand, etc...
While comparing with other inverter models Su-Kam Inverters are best in market around India because of its stability, Durability, noiseless also it is a pure sine wave inverter.
You can visit Su-Kam Inverter Product price list  & check the range of inverters.

Distinguishable features of Su-Kam Inverters:
·         Sukam has no fluctuation of light
·         Charging time is less
·         There is no humming in the equipment and
·         Price is very regonable
·         Charging-time:

Su-Kam can charge its battery 40% faster than any other inverters which helps the product to work really efficiently and give much longer


                                           Use Su-kam Inverters escape from powercuts.